Does typing your name on a document count as a legally binding signature? We have the answers you’re looking for.
Historically, a signature required a pen and paper. However, in today’s world, the most common way to sign a legal document is with a typed signature. A typed or electronic signature is a process attached to a contract or document that is executed by a person who intends to sign it.
Whether you’re typing your e-signature or writing it electronically, many people often wonder if a typed signature is considered legal. In short, an e-signature is, in fact, legally binding, but there’s a lot of information that everyone should know before signing anything online.
Continue reading to dive deeper into everything you need to know about e-signatures.
First and foremost, it’s essential to know the laws behind electronic signatures so you know what to expect when signing a document. The Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce (E-Sign Act) states that the U.S. federal law that regulates e-signatures is active in almost all 50 states. The law recognizes an e-signature as a sound, symbol, or process. As long as it meets the requirements of the document it is attached to, an electronic signature can come in many different forms.
A valid e-signature can look like the following:
Therefore a typed signature is legally binding and will hold up in a court of law as long as other E-Sign Act requirements are met.
The E-Sign Act requirements include:
Authentication of the signer in order to prove their identity.
Confirmed consent that the signer understands they are doing business and signing documents electronically.
An understanding that the signer intends to sign the document and did not do so unknowingly.
A record of a detailed audit log including all signing activities, who the users were, and all of the actions the user took to get to the point of signing. Some signature solutions may certify documents using Certified Authority on the Adobe Approved Trust List to “close” the document. This will allow you to see if anything has been altered.
All signed documents must be sent to all parties involved and securely stored.
Electronic signatures are a great way to quickly sign documents and contracts. As long as you follow the regulations required for each document, you can trust that the process is secure.
As with most e-signature solutions, our eSign solution at Constellation1 allows users to draw or build a stylized signature that mimics the handwritten style. The user can then easily apply it to the document that requires their signature.
This process of signing a contract or document tends to make all parties involved feel safe. The combination of the old handwritten signature style with modern electronic documents and contracts gives everyone peace of mind.
We understand that signing something electronically can be uncomfortable. Our Constellation1 eSign solution is secure and trustworthy. It allows you to add non-repudiable signatures to your documents and contracts so you can handle signing sessions at the convenience of your smart devices.
Need some more clarification on our e-sign solution? Contact our dedicated e-signature team so we can help you determine how our solution will meet the e-signature requirements specific to your industry.
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