Recapping Constellation1’s recent session at Inman Connect.
To watch our 10-minute session, click here.
What could your team accomplish if you didn’t have to worry about data integration anymore?
What if the headache and stress of maintaining dozens of MLS relationships simply disappeared?
This is what Andrew Binkley, President, and Andrew Seminari, VP of Business Development at Constellation1, asked attendees to imagine during their recent session at Inman Connect, the premier digital real estate event.
It’s no secret that real estate runs on data. It is the foundation of every transaction in our ever-changing industry. The breadth and quality of that MLS data are paramount, and as real estate businesses grow, they must integrate more data from a growing number of sources. This, as anyone who has tried it knows, can lead to a lot of headaches.
Companies have to ask themselves:
With such broad and far-ranging questions, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer. Thankfully, Constellation1 can tailor our data services offerings to your needs.
Unparalleled data expertise
Over nearly two decades, we’ve acquired approximately 20 different companies. Our experience acquiring these companies has allowed us to develop strategies for making data work seamlessly across all of them. Our data team generated so much value internally that we decided to start offering our expertise externally as well, and Constellation1 Data Services was born. Today, our data services cover more than 500 of the 600 MLSs in North America and are used by upwards of 500,000 agents in both the US and Canada.
Customer success
ActivePipe, a powerful real estate email marketing platform, has been growing exponentially in recent years but began hitting a wall when it came to integrating with new MLSs. When they came to us, they found we already had relationships with 90% of their desired MLSs. We knew how to connect with the remainder, allowing them to reduce the previous hassle of expanding into new markets. You can read more about how ActivePipe turbocharged their growth with Constellation1 Data Services in our customer story, Putting Data to Work.
Plans for 2021
At Constellation1, we are continuously investing in our platform and our people to support our customers better. This year, we will become the fastest data provider in the industry with near-real-time data processing speeds, so our customers can be the first in their markets to share new listings. We will also continue to make significant RESO compliance improvements.
Inman Connect, January 27, 2021
Overcoming the Obstacles to Managing Multiple Data Feeds
Take the pain out of MLS data management by relying on the most experienced data team in the industry.
To book your personal data services consultation, get in touch with us today.
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