Leads are the lifeblood of every brokerage. So, what happens when lead management is underperforming? Learn how Vylla Home tapped into a partnership with Constellation1 to bring their vision for tailored tech solutions to life.
Vylla Home is a tech-forward homeownership company headquartered in Aliso Viejo, California that provides mortgage, title, and homes all under one roof. It has 1,100+ agents at 40+ offices in 35+ states, with ambitious growth goals over the next five years.
Vylla was having lead issues. It already generated tons of leads internally, but it needed a CRM to route them effectively. Manually assigning hundreds of leads per week simply wasn’t an option. It needed a seamless way to manage and route leads from multiple sources, including its website and its Microsoft Dynamics ERP software. It also wanted to generate more leads from its customer-facing brokerage, office, and agent websites.
By opting for Constellation1’s industry-leading real estate technology solutions, Vylla Home got even more than it asked for. Today, Vylla’s tech isn’t just some necessary expense, it’s a real revenue-generator.
“It took the right partner with the right skills to do what we needed. Constellation1 has bright people with the tech chops to do exactly what we were looking for. No one else came close. Now, we have zero hesitations about actioning our growth goals thanks to our relationship with a reliable partner like Constellation1.”
- Chad Ruggles, Senior Vice-President Vylla Home
Vylla had a very specific wish list when it came to upgrading its tech:
It also had three non-negotiable criteria:
Vylla’s success hinged on finding the right partner. From day one, Constellation1 truly stood out.
“Constellation1 makes us feel like they’re part of our internal tech team.
We never had that level of service with our previous vendor.”
- Chad Ruggles, Senior Vice-President Vylla Home
Constellation1 worked closely with Vylla to assess its needs and goals and create a tailored suite of front office solutions so it could reach them.
Vylla chose Constellation1 CRM and a white-label version of the integrated mobile app, which it dubbed Vyllocity. Constellation1 CRM integrates completely with Dynamics and Skyslope to capture and route leads automatically. When other tech providers said no, Constellation1 took a different approach, asking Vylla: “What do you want to be able to do?” Constellation1’s expertise and versatility allow it to collaborate in ways other providers can’t to help brokerages make their visions a reality.
Vylla decided to completely revamp vyllahome.com with Constellation1 Websites. Vylla agents now have highly customizable branded websites and can access and manage all key tools from a single customized dashboard, saving the Vylla team hundreds of hours per year. The Vylla dashboard is the perfect example of a solution that was born by melding minds and imagining what the tech could do to serve Vylla’s goals.
Vylla opted to purchase additional Constellation1 Data Services to gather strategic insights for predictive analytics, intelligence, and targeted marketing. These insights are becoming yet another source of highly profitable leads.
“Before Constellation1, our tech was just an expense with no revenue generation. Now, we’ve got real ROI.”
- Chad Ruggles, Senior Vice-President Vylla Home
The right technology—and the right partner—make all the difference.
With even more ambitious targets now than ever before, Vylla is ready to meet its challenges head on and overcome them with Constellation1 in its corner.
You can read the full Vylla Home customer story here. Want to learn more about Constellation1 Front Office solutions?
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