Are typed signatures legally binding?

Does typing your name on a document count as a legally binding signature? We have the answers you’re looking for.
2-minute read

Charting a Stellar Course: Constellation1 President’s Vision for the Future of Real Estate Tech and Data Services

Well, it’s that time of year where we look back on our accomplishments and also look toward the future. As president of Constellation1, a big part of...
4-minute read

Ever wanted to visualize your brokerage’s commissions data in more useful ways?

At big brokerages, data is everywhere. And decision-makers need up-to-date, reliable, meaningful data to make important calls about their business....
2-minute read

Real Estate One: Embodying a New Approach to Brokerage Technology

More than a decade ago, Real Estate One had the opportunity to upgrade its tech and onboard a single brokerage-wide management platform with a...
2-minute read

ChatGPT for real estate: stop worrying and learn how it can help you work smarter

There is a lot of excitement about the promise of AI-powered tools like ChatGPT, and a lot of confusion about some of their (false) promises. There’s...
7-minute read

The best lead strategy for growth in any market condition

As Bob Dylan so aptly put it, the times they are a-changin’, and they’re more uncertain than ever. Industry projections remain volatile this year as...
3-minute read

Why tech debt is something your brokerage can't afford to pay

Tech debt is an often overlooked but business-critical concept that affects real estate brokerages around the country. In this post, we explain what...
5-minute read

9 features the best real estate accounting software MUST have

So many online resources talk about the best real estate accounting software for agents and property managers, but what about for brokers?
6-minute read

Why right now is the best time to invest in your business

We all know real estate is a cyclical industry. According to the latest projections from the National Association of Realtors (NAR), the first three...
2-minute read