Automated Valuation Models: How Assessor Data Can Enhance Accuracy

Automated valuation models are advanced technological tools used across the real estate industry to create accurate estimations of property values....
3-minute read

Constellation1 President and Company Nominated for Prestigious Inman Innovators Awards

On Thursday, July 20, 2023, Inman announced its nominees for the 2023 Inman Innovator Awards, which have honored companies, individuals, and new...
2-minute read

Ever wanted to visualize your brokerage’s commissions data in more useful ways?

At big brokerages, data is everywhere. And decision-makers need up-to-date, reliable, meaningful data to make important calls about their business....
2-minute read

[FREE DOWNLOAD] Boost Your Lead Gen Strategy: The Ultimate Guide for Real Estate Brokers

We are living in an increasingly mobile, digital, and high-tech world. Homebuyers tend to be extremely computer savvy: nearly all of them begin their...
3-minute read

Brokers: learn why professional Instagram accounts provide the biggest benefits for agents

Social media is an incredible tool for building a brand, generating awareness about your business, and attracting and converting leads. In an...
5-minute read

Real Estate One: Embodying a New Approach to Brokerage Technology

More than a decade ago, Real Estate One had the opportunity to upgrade its tech and onboard a single brokerage-wide management platform with a...
2-minute read

Brokers: Pull these 3 levers today to boost brokerage profits tomorrow

It’s no secret that running a brokerage is hard work. If it were easy, everyone would do it! This is especially true for broker/owners, who are...
4-minute read

ChatGPT for real estate: stop worrying and learn how it can help you work smarter

There is a lot of excitement about the promise of AI-powered tools like ChatGPT, and a lot of confusion about some of their (false) promises. There’s...
7-minute read

The best lead strategy for growth in any market condition

As Bob Dylan so aptly put it, the times they are a-changin’, and they’re more uncertain than ever. Industry projections remain volatile this year as...
3-minute read

The latest US migration trends and how brokers can use them to their advantage

Buyers and sellers have a lot to think about before deciding to contact an agent. So many factors go into buying or selling a home. Sometimes, buyers...
3-minute read